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they pass through the root hairs to the cortex

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3mo ago

Water and minerals pass through the root epidermis and root cortex cells to reach the xylem in plant roots. The root epidermis is the outermost layer of cells in the root, and the root cortex is a region of parenchyma cells between the epidermis and the vascular tissue (xylem and phloem).

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Q: What two structures does water and minerals pass through to get to xylem?
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Water and minerals

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In how many directions does xylem move water and minerals?

Xylem moves water and minerals in one direction, upward from the roots to the stems and leaves through a process called transpiration.

Some plants have an internal system of tube like structures through which water and food move this tissue is called?

Vascular tissue is the term used to describe the internal system of tube-like structures in plants that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant. This tissue is made up of xylem and phloem, with xylem responsible for transporting water and minerals, and phloem responsible for transporting food.

Does the xylem transport water up or down the plant?

The xylem transports water and minerals upward from the roots to the rest of the plant.

What does a xylem cell do?

Xylem cells are responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. They also provide structural support to the plant.

What do you mean by transportation of water and minerals in plants?

to transport food and water through phloem and xylem.

How does nutreance travel around the plant?

it travels through the xylem (water) and the phloem minerals

Do xylem vessels contain nucleus?

No, mature xylem vessels do not contain a nucleus. They are long, tube-like structures that transport water and minerals through the plant, and as they mature, their contents are essentially dead, allowing for more efficient transport.

What is the vasculuar tissue that transports water and minerals through a plant?

Xylem transports water up to the leaves.Water:Is absorbed from the soil through root hair cellsIs transported through the xylem vessels up the stem to the leaves.Evaporates from the leaves (transpiration)But the phloem transports nutrients to the leaves.

Water and minerals flow up through the?

Water and minerals flow up through the roots of plants into the stem and leaves through a process known as transpiration. This process involves water being absorbed by the roots and then transported upward through the xylem, driven by evaporation and capillary action. Minerals are absorbed along with the water to support the plant's growth and metabolism.