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Q: What two technological advances allowed for the improved study of the ocean bottom and underneath the oceans surface?
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What were the three major technological advances that made it possible to "explore" the world from the 15th to 17th centuries?

What were the three major technological advances that made it possible to explore the world from the 15th to 17th centuries? The five major advancements of the Age of Exploration were the astrolabe, magnetic compass, caravel, sextant, and Mercator’s projection.

Examples of discoveries of scientific knowledge that led to technological advances?

An important example is the discovery of the sources and use of electricity. Electricity allowed for the development of household gadgets as well as computers.

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Allowed room for great mobility and portability and made way for more technological advances. I would say. I hope i helped, or at least gave you an "idea".

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What key technological advances allowed Europeans to explore new areas?

Key technological advances that allowed Europeans to explore new areas during the Age of Exploration included the development of the astrolabe and compass for navigation, the improvement of ship design with the invention of the caravel, and the spread of the printing press for sharing geographical knowledge and maps. These tools enabled European explorers to venture further from their home countries and navigate across oceans with greater accuracy and efficiency.

How did technogical advances help early explorers?

Technological advances helped early explorers by providing them with improved navigation tools such as maps, compasses, and astrolabes. In addition, advances in shipbuilding allowed for the creation of stronger, more seaworthy vessels that could withstand long ocean voyages. These innovations enabled explorers to venture further and more accurately chart their journeys.

What were the three technological advances in shipbuilding and navigation during early exploration?

The lateen sail, which allowed tacking into the wind, the block and tackle, which allowed the raising of large sails with less manpower, the compass and the sextant. I don't know which three your teacher wants, but these four were critical.

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The introduction of a new type of rice which allowed food to be grown faster, trade increase, and other technological advances. from []

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What 2 planning advancements in the city of mohenjo daro?

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