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the compas helped because it told explorers direction, mapmaking also helped a lot, and stronger ship bulding helped because the ships could go to different places.

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Technological advances helped early explorers by providing them with improved navigation tools such as maps, compasses, and astrolabes. In addition, advances in shipbuilding allowed for the creation of stronger, more seaworthy vessels that could withstand long ocean voyages. These innovations enabled explorers to venture further and more accurately chart their journeys.

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What do explorers bring back?

Explorers bring back new knowledge, discoveries, artifacts, and cultural insights from the places they explore. Their findings can help expand our understanding of the world and its diverse cultures, history, and environments.

Did natives help explorers?

Yes, in some cases. Natives guides and traders provided valuable knowledge, resources, and assistance to explorers in various parts of the world, aiding in navigation, communication, and survival. However, conflicts and misunderstandings also occurred between explorers and some native populations during the Age of Exploration.

Why do explorers like to keep journals?

Explorers keep journals to document their experiences, observations, and thoughts during their travels. Journals serve as a valuable record for themselves and others to learn from and reflect upon their journey, discoveries, and potential scientific findings. Additionally, journals can help explorers stay organized, track progress, and preserve memories for future reference.

Why did the First Nations help European explorers?

Some First Nations groups helped European explorers due to initial curiosity and a desire to establish trade relationships. They often saw potential benefits in forming alliances to gain access to new goods and technologies. Additionally, some may have hoped that cooperation with the explorers could provide protection against rival indigenous groups.

What is hernan Cortes networks?

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who led the expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century. His network included soldiers, indigenous allies, and other Spanish explorers and traders. Cortes also established relationships with local rulers and tribes in Mexico to help achieve his military and political objectives.

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What didn't help the early Europe explorers navigate?

Well the early explorers wont need a compass if they had an atlas because if the had one it will be easy just as the compass to figure out where they were by using the map

How did cartography help explorers and what was its purpose?

Cartography helped explorers by providing accurate maps and navigational tools to navigate unknown territories. Its purpose was to document and understand the world's geography, aiding in exploration, trade, conquest, and colonization.

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how did the lateen sail help the european explorers

How did astrolabe help European explorers?

It enabled explorers to determine their position.

If you lived during this timewould you help the explorersteach the explorers and protect the explorers Why or why not?

I wouldn't help the explorers at all because how so you know they are good so why would you trust them

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There are a few leader qualities that help the conquistador. The main qualities that showed effort was European.

How did the compass help the European explorers?

The compass helped European explorers navigate accurately by indicating the direction of the magnetic north. This allowed them to explore new lands, chart accurate maps, and establish trade routes more effectively. The compass was a crucial navigational tool during the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries, enabling explorers to venture farther from home.

Did Crazy Horse help explorers?


Are there camels in Australia?

Yes. However, camels are not native to Australia. Australia's huge feral camel problem is a result of some of the early explorers bringing camels over from Afghanistan and surrounding countries to help them explore the desert interior of the continent. It was not uncommon for the explorers and/or the Afghan cameleers to release their camels, or for the camels to escape.

Who are the explorer who use the help of the wind?

All of the early explorers used the wind. Sailors, ship captains, pirates, all used/use the wind to move forward toward a destination. Early maps included information about wind and currents.

How did prince Henry's caravel help explorers?

It would help transport salves

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