

Did natives help explorers

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Did natives help explorers
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What did natives teach early explorers?

Natives taught early explorers survival skills, navigation methods, local geography, and sustainable practices for living off the land. They also shared knowledge about medicinal plants, food sources, and cultural traditions, which greatly influenced the explorers' understanding of the new territories they encountered.

How did Native Americans assists pioneers on their journey west?

When traveling west, explorers were assisted by native Americans multiple times. Sometimes the natives would help them in the right direction or navigate through rough terrain. The natives new all the trails and rivers and mountain passes that were very helpful. The natives could also help the explorers in building canoes, finding resources, identifying species (some explorers kept scientific journals), or getting food.

What did the early explorers have a hard time with?

Explorers of where? most likely: climate/wheather, disease, hostile natives, terrain

What did early explorers wear?

fancy stuff so they look ispireing to the natives.

What did Spanish explorers do?

Explored, conquered the natives, and built settlements

How did European explorers effect Indians?

European explorers affected Indians in many ways. For one, the explorers tried to convert the natives to Catholicism and other Christian based faiths. They also took over native land, while spreading disease and other European bases ailments. The explorers, however, did educate many natives, as well as taught them about sailing, fishing, technology, and farming.

Why were early explorers and cartographers fascinated by continental coastlines?

The early Spanish explorers were looking for Silver and Gold!early explorers set out to find new land for the rest of their tribesthe natives taught early explorers about how to use herbs for medicine

What the spanish explorers found when they reached central Mexico and how the natives living there reacted to the invaders?


How did the new land explorers know there was new land?

They "found" it so it was new to them, but not to the Natives living there.

How did the lateen sail help European explorers?

how did the lateen sail help the european explorers

What did the things that the aborginal teach the early settlers?

the natives taught the early explorers how to collect sap from the tree

What did the explorers of the new world did to shape our world?

They converted the Natives into Christianity, and with that, was the Columbian Exchange. The explorers bought back many stories, true and false about the new world. Hope this helped!