

What two thing change when an object is in motion?

Updated: 7/10/2022
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9y ago

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I think it is the kinetic and potential energy but i am not sure

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Colby Leffler

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1y ago
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Q: What two thing change when an object is in motion?
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Does an unbalanced force change an objects motion?

Yes, an unbalanced force can change an object's motion by causing it to accelerate in the direction of the force. If the force is greater than the object's inertia, it can also cause the object to change its velocity or direction of motion.

Change in an objects motion?

A change in an object's motion refers to a modification in its speed or direction of movement. This change can be caused by different factors like the application of a force, a collision with another object, or the influence of external conditions such as friction or gravity. The study of these changes falls under the branch of physics known as dynamics.

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The only thing required for an object to show uniform circular motion is a constant centripetal force. The object will have constant speed and kinetic energy, but its velocity, acceleration, momentum, and displacement will change continuously.

What is the inertia of motion?

Inertia of motion refers to an object's resistance to changes in its velocity once it is in motion. This property is described by Newton's first law of motion, stating that an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

How does force cause a change in motion?

Force causes a change in motion by accelerating an object in the direction of the force applied. This acceleration can result in the object speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction based on the magnitude and direction of the force. In the absence of any opposing forces, an object will continue to move with a constant velocity due to inertia.

What does unbalanced mean?

Ubalanced force: is when two forces are acting on an object results in a net force and causes a change in the object's motion.

What does Unbalanced force mean?

An unbalanced force occurs when two forces acting on an object are unequal in magnitude or direction, causing the object to accelerate or decelerate. This leads to a change in the object's motion or a state of motion.

What must be applied to an object to change its motion or direction?

If an object is at rest, a force must be applied to accelerate it (start it moving).

Two-dimensional motion is not always projectile motion In two-dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is not accelerating the object?

In two-dimensional motion that is not projectile motion, the object may have acceleration even if it is not accelerating overall. This is because the object's velocity can change direction in two dimensions without necessarily changing its magnitude, leading to acceleration along curved paths. Projectile motion, on the other hand, involves acceleration only in the vertical direction due to gravity while the horizontal velocity remains constant.

What is forces that cause a change in motion?

ANY force can cause a change in motion, as long as the sum of all the forces acting on an object is non-zero. For example, if two people pull on an object in opposite directions, and with forces that have the same magnitude, then the sum of the forces would be zero, and the object won't accelerate.

What Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion in two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is blank is not accelerating the object?

Circular motion is a type of two-dimensional motion that is not always projectile motion. In circular motion, such as a car driving around a curve or a satellite orbiting a planet, the object is constantly changing its direction without necessarily being launched upwards. This motion can involve acceleration due to the changes in velocity direction.

What is Two dimensional motion is not always projectile motion in two dimensional motion that is not projectile motion is blank is not accelerating the object?
