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velocity is what is known as a vector quantity. What this means is it needs both a DIRECTION and a MAGNITUDE for the velocity to be fully described.

that's what you need.

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Furman Metz

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Q: What two thing do you need to know to describe the velocity of an object?
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How two things do you need to know to describe the velocity of an object?

To describe the velocity of an object, you need to know both the speed (magnitude of the velocity) and the direction of the object's motion. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both of these aspects.

What do you need to know describe the velocity of an object?

velocity is what is known as a vector quantity. What this means is it needs both a DIRECTION and a MAGNITUDE for the velocity to be fully described. that's what you need.

What to Things do you need to know to describe the velocity of an object?

velocity is what is known as a vector quantity. What this means is it needs both a DIRECTION and a MAGNITUDE for the velocity to be fully described. that's what you need.

When you know the speed and the direction of an object's motion you know what?

The magnitude and direction of the object's velocity vector.

When you know both the speed and the direction of an object's motion, you know the?

velocity of the object

When you know both the speed and direction of an object in motion you know the?

object's velocity

What is necessary to accurately and completely describe the motion of an object?

To accurately and completely describe the motion of an object, you need to specify its position, velocity, and acceleration at different points in time. This information can be provided using mathematical equations or graphs to represent the object's motion over time. Additionally, factors like direction, speed, and type of motion (linear, circular, etc.) may also need to be included depending on the situation.

When you know both the speed and direction of an object's while it is in motion do you know the velocity of the object?

Yes. Velocity is a vector quantity that needs a magnitude (speed is the corresponding scalar to velocity) and a direction.

In determining velocity of any object in motion Why is it important to know the distance and the time the object traveled?

Knowing the distance and time the object traveled provides the necessary information to calculate the object's velocity. Velocity is defined as the rate of change of position with respect to time. By having both distance and time, one can determine how fast the object is moving and in what direction.

What the speed and the direction an object are moving?

If you know the speed and direction of the object's motion, then you know its velocity.

When you know the speed and direction of an of object's motion you know the?

The magnitude and direction of the object's velocity vector.

What do need to know to describe the velocity of an object?

To describe the velocity of an object, you need to know its speed (magnitude of velocity) and direction of motion. Velocity is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. It is typically represented as v = d/t, where v is velocity, d is displacement, and t is time.