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My dick of corse I mean are you stupid

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Q: What two things can classify rocks and soil?
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How do geologists classify metamorphic rock?

Geologists classify metamorphic rocks by the arrangements of the grains that make up the rocks.

What are nonliving things in a deciduous forest'?

Well i too have a project on this non-living things are rocks,dirt. and the rest is ask yo teacher

What two things did artisole classify things as?

genus and species

What are your rocks and soil heated by?

Rocks and soil are heated by two things, atoms and molecules. when they get heated they vibrate and sends heat to other atoms or molecules in the same substance until the whole thing is heated. The energy comes from the sun, but the atoms and molecules really heat them.

How do you classify rocks?

Geologists classify rocks by looking at their chemical and mineralogical composition then at the the size and shape of their component minerals then at any texture, pattern or grain that the rocks may display. They also classify them in relation to how they were formed.

What are two ways that bare rock can be converted into soil?

either bacteria can grow on the existing rocks adding nutrients, then when they die they leave a small layer of soil, or the rocks can continue to erode until it is small enough to be soil

A two word name used to classify living things is?

genus apecies

A two-word name used to classify living things is?

A Living Organism.

What are two interesting things about the moon?

two things that are intresting about the moon are the glow and the rocks

What two things can cause rocks to transform?

The two things that encourage rocks to transform is heat and pressure. The transformation and weathering of rocks will vary depending on the level of pressure and intensity of heat.

What are the two main ingredients of soil?

it could be humus and water or water and weathered rocks

What is the two kinds of particle that make up the soil?

Rocks ie dry leaves