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Q: What two things do chlorophyll do when it gets colder?
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What is two type of chlorophyll?

There is chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.

When an ocean's depth increases does the temperature increase or decrease?

In general, the answer is the water gets colder as you go deeper. But, there are exceptions. For example, at the Galapagos Rift there are intensely hot (hundreds of degrees) springs at depths of almost two miles.

Which two terms are things are found in the chloroplast?

There are several things.Two common things are O2 and glucose.

What two things do plants need to use the trapped energy by chlorophyll?

Sunlight and Water

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Does cold colder and coldest mean the same thing?

The words cold, colder, and coldest all contain the root "cold." The word "colder" is the comparative form of the word, which is used to compare the relative coldness of two things. The word "coldest" is the superlative form of the word, which is used to compare three or more things.

What r d different types of chlorophyll present in plants?

There are two main pigments.They chlorophyll a and b.

What are two things that light gets classified as?

particle and wave

What are the 2 different types of chlorophyll?

Different types of chlorophyll really differ only based on the side chains of the molecule, as all of the chlorophyll types have a chlorin ring around a magnesium ion. As well, they're denoted by letters, a, b, c1, c2, d, and f. The different types of chlorophyll absorb different spectrums of light, and are found in different types of plants.

Why is chlorophyll 2 green?

Chlorophyll is responsible for the lush green hues of many plants. These two types of chlorophyll differ only slightly, in the composition of a single side chain.

How do mountains affect the distribution of biomes?

As you move higher, two things happen: 1) It gets colder. 2) The air gets thinner. As it gets colder and there's less air, larger plants and animals have a hard time surviving, so smaller animals and foliage become more prevalent. At the base of the mountain, there are a lot of trees because of the suitable temperature. When you get higher, there's only going to be snow.

What is the name of the most important chloroplast pigment?

Oxygen The most important chloroplast pigment is chlorophyll.