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the pupil and the iris respond to light which lets us see from the optic nerve

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Q: What two things happen to the image in the cerebrum?
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What two things happen in the cerebrum?

it's thinking and memory!

What things happen to the image in the cerebrum?

I'm not sure but I think what happens is: In humans, both eyes look forward from the front of the head and so when you look at an object, each eye sees a slightly different image. The brain interprets the impulses coming from your two eyes as one image as result, you can see in the dimensions, which means you can tell how near or far away and image is. (the bold italic words are my best answer.) Again, I'm not totally sure that's the correct answer but I'm guessing so.

What are two halves of the cerebrum?

The two halves of the cerebrum are the left and right hemispheres.

What two things happen to the image in the cerebrums?

the pupil and the iris respond to light which lets us see from the optic nerve

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What is a two word description of the cerebrum?


What will happen to the image of a tree in a pinhole camera of the are two holes close to each other?

It will be bigger

What groove divides the cerebrum in two hemispheres?

The groove that divides the cerebrum in two hemispheres is called the longitudinal fissure. It separates the left and right hemispheres of the brain and is where the corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres.

What are two things that may happen when a meteoroid moves through a planet's atmosphere?

two things that may happen to the meteoroid is that it might burn or collide with the Earth.

What two structures make up the forebrain?

cerebrum and diencephalon

How many hemispheres does cerebrum lobe have?

Two, right and left.

What are the two structures between the cerebrum and the midbrain?

The thalamus and hypothalamus.