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Q: What two things would need to happen for the hypothesis to eventually become a theory?
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What must happen before a hypothesis become a theory?

The Hypothesis Must Be Supported In Order For It To Become A Theory

What must happen for to a hypothesis to become a theory?

A hypothesis become a theory if it is proved by experimental data. tested; conclusion (apex)

What must happen before a hypothesis becomes a theory?

The Hypothesis Must Be Supported In Order For It To Become A Theory

What must happen for a hypothesis to become s theory?

as evidence from numerous investigations builds up a particular hypothesis my become so wellsupported that it becomes a theory

. A scientific hypothesis can become a theory if?

A scientific hypothesis can become a theory if the hypothesis is tested extensively and competing hypotheses are eliminated.

What will a hypothesis become if its is supported by repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

What can a hypothesis become if its supported by repeated experimentation?

Answer this question… What can a hypothesis become if it is supported by repeated experimentation?

How is a hypothesis and a theory alike?

Both a hypothesis and a theory offer an explanation of some observed phenomenon. The difference is that a hypothesis must have confirmation to become a theory.

What does a hypothesis become after it is tested and proven?

A hypothesis, or group of hypotheses, that is accepted as consistently valid is a theory. Either a hypothesis or a theory can be ultimately disproven. One definition of a theory is an accepted hypothesis.

If data from repeated experiments support a hypothesis what would happen next?

It would become a theory. Then different predictions would need to be made to test other parts of it.

What will a hypothesis become is it is supported by repeating experimentation's?

A proven hypothesis becomes a theory.

Can a hypothesis lead to a theory.?

Yes, because if enough people prove the hypothesis and produce evidence supporting it it can become a theory.