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Q: What type of LandForm results from Shear Stress?
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What is shear stress in science?

Shear stress in science is a type of stress in which an object that has a force acting upon it is applied to skew. This causes shear strain, which can change the shape of the object.

What type of fault is created by shear stress?

Shear stress causes Transform faults, in strike-slip zones of conservative boundaries.

What type of stress is most directly associated with transform faults?

Shear Stress.

What type of stress caused the San Andreas fault?

Tectonic shear stress.

What type of stress occurs when lithospheric plates scrape past each other?

Shear stress.

What type of stress occurs when layers of rock are pulled apart?

It is the SHEAR.

What type of stress occurs at a transform plate boundary?

shearing work

What type of stress occurs when two items collide?

The collision of objects will create compressive and possibly shear stress.

What is a pull a pull and a twist all examples of?

They are all mechanical stresses. Push is a compressive stress. Pull is a tensile stress and Twist is a type of shear stress.

What are two type of stress that deform rock?

Two types of stress are compressional and tensional stress. Shear stress also plays a significant role in deformations in the Earth's crust at transform and strike slip faults.

The type of stress force that produces a strike-slip fault is?

The type of force found in a strike slip fault is lateral force.

What is the formula for shear and stress?

Just like axial stress, shear stress is force divided by area. The area is the surface the force acts over. For example, imagine two wood blocks that are nailed together. If you apply a force to the top block orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the nail and the same force in the opposite direction to the bottom block, the shear stress (𝝉) in the nail is 𝝉 = F/A or F/(πr2) where r is the radius of the nail.