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amino acids

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1d ago

Amino acids are the molecules needed to form protein molecules. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids.

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Q: What type of Molecule is needed to form protein molecules?
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What type of monomer molecule is needed to form protein molecules?

Amino acids!

How many monosaccharide molecules are needed to form one sucrose molecule?

Two monosaccharide molecules are needed to form one sucrose molecule.

What to molecule types are needed to form a molecule of fat?

To form a molecule of fat, the two types of molecules that are needed are glycerol and fatty acid. One glycerol molecule attaching itself to three molecules of fatty acid will give one molecule of fat.

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It takes 2 monosaccharide molecules to form a maltose molecule. Those are 2 glucose molecules. So 2 glucose molecules join together to make 1 maltose molecule.

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Protein molecules are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are linked together in a specific order to form a protein molecule.

How many monosaccharid molecules are needed to form one maltose molecule?

Two monosaccharide molecules (specifically two glucose molecules) are needed to form one maltose molecule through a condensation reaction, where a molecule of water is removed.

What 2 types of molecules are needed to form a fat molecule?

To form a molecule of fat, the two types of molecules that are needed are glycerol and fatty acid. One glycerol molecule attaching itself to three molecules of fatty acid will give one molecule of fat.

How many monosaccharide are needed to form one maltose molecule?

Two monosaccharides are needed to form one maltose molecule. Specifically, maltose is comprised of two glucose molecules joined together through a condensation reaction, which releases a molecule of water.

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WHAT organic molecules form the major structural materials of the body?

The organic molecules form proteins for the body.

What two molecules types are needed to form a Molecule fat?

I think it might be glycerol and fatty acids, according to my Biology book.