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Chocolate chip cookie dough

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Q: What type of Pillsbury cookie mix will stay soft longer when baked?
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Related questions

How do they get the little piece of paper into a fortune cookie?

The paper is inserted when the cookie is still soft, when it is freshly baked.

How do you bake Pillsbury pre baked sugar cookies soft?

Bake the cookies for less time than recommended on the package or in the recipe. Shorten the baking time as much as you like according to your texture preference. Packaged cookie dough is usually reduced by 6-8 minutes. Homemade recipes usually require at least ten minutes off the suggested baking time.

What is the hardness for a cookie?

Usually they are made soft, they are more enjoyable that way.

What is the simple predicate in Where is your soft warm cookie?


How do you make a cookie chewy?

First, dip the cookie in milk for 13 seconds and "VOILA!" A soft and chewy cookie at your desire.

What is a type of cookie that is made from soft dough that is pushed from a spoon onto a baking sheet?

a Drop cookie

How do you make a cookie softer?

put it in the microwave If you mean how do you make a soft cookie, as opposed to a crispy cookie, the answer is to add more flour when you make the cookie dough. If you have more flour in the dough, it will be soft and chewy. If you have less flour and more butter/oil/fat of any kind, the cookie will be crispy and "snap" or break easily.

How do they get the fortune inside a fortune cookie?

Typically you break it open, read your fortune, and eat the cookie. Some people eat the cookie before reading their fortune, but there is no incorrect way to eat a fortune cookie except for eating it while the paper fortune is still inside.

How long does it take to eat a cookie?

It depends on what cookie you're eating. If it's a soft cookie, it might take about 15 to 20 seconds. A tough cookie will take 20 to 30 seconds.

What are test for doneness for baked potatoes?

When the potato is soft and fluffy inside.

What happens to a popover that has not been baked enough?

If a popover has not been baked long enough the dough will not be fluffy at all and will still be soft.

What is the most softest cookie?

there are too many to mention, some think it could be a fig newton, or soft peanut butter cookie.