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Q: What type of Volcano's are from hot spots?
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What do volcanos represent?

Hot Spots

Where do shield volcanos occur?

Not at plate boundaries but instead form over hot spots.

What kind of mountains form from hot spots?

Hot spot volcanos. As these age they can become island chains and eventually subsurface seamount arcs if the hot spot is in the ocean.

Where do volcanos occur on Earths surface?

They occur at plate boundaries (Pacific rim "Ring of Fire") or at mantle hot spots (Hawaii, Iceland).

Where do most volcanos occur on earth surface?

They occur at plate boundaries (Pacific rim "Ring of Fire") or at mantle hot spots (Hawaii, Iceland).

Convection currents in the earths crust causes volcanos?

No. Earth's crust does not convect. Convection in the mantle, however can create hot spots and rifting, which can lead tot he formation of volcanoes.

Are there volcanos in Paraguay?

Yes, but they are not active. They are all hot-spots and they are to the west side on the border line.

Which type of plate boundary does not produce volcanoes?

hot spots

Why do people live on volcanos?

Because its hot.

WhAT Magma type most often forms at hot spots?

Pahoehoe lava

Where did shield volcanoes usually come from?

A shield volcano is a type of volcano usually built almost entirely of fluid lava flows. Shield volcanos usually come from highly fluid lava that erupts, which travels farther than lava erupted from stratovolcanos.

What is the spatial association and spatial interaction between tectonic plates and volcano locations?

Many volcanos occur along tectonic boundaries, whether they are convergent (pushing together) or divergent (pulling apart). These boundaries typically occur between continental and oceanic plates or between two oceanic plates. Some volcanos however are created by hot spots where molten magma from the mantle of the Earth pushes through the crust, these hot spots can form islands such as the Hawaiian Islands.