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recessive trate

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Q: What type of allele is masked when a dominant allele is present?
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What is an allele whose trait always shows up in the organism?

type 2 Diabetes

How do you use recessive allele in a sentence?

The building blocks of our genes (that make us what we are) are called alleles and these can be either dominant, recessive or codominant - which means they are equally dominant. Now for your sentence: "A typical example of codominance can be found in blood types, where the existence of A as well as B alleles in a person will lead to blood type AB".

What type of trait that is masked or covered?


What type of allele causes huntington disease?

The allele that causes Huntington's disease is dominant. This means that there only needs to be one present in the gene for it to show in the person's phenotype.

What does recessive allele mean?

Recessive allele disorders are just as they sound - they are disorders that are a result of a prevalent recessive allele in one's genetic makeup. A recessive allele disorder will rarely occur since it is dependent on the crossing of two heterozygous parent cells, but it can lead to interesting consequences. An example of a recessive allele disorder is hemophilia - the body's inability to clot blood - and it has affected much of the European royalty in history, such as Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

What type of allele is in the all of the egg nuclei?

the dominant allele is in all egg nuclei.

What type allele are present in an organism with a QQ genotype?

Capital letters usually denote dominant alleles. Therefore QQ genotype would contain two dominant alleles for the Q genotype.

What type of trait prevents the other type from being seen?

A recessive trait. When a recessive allele is with a dominant allele, only the dominanate trait can be seen.

What is a type of degenerative disease cause be a dominant allele?

Huntington's Disease.

What is a trait that needs two factors in order to be expressed?

Actually, it is the recessive.................................................................UR WELCOME! :)

How does allele cause a trait in an organism?

the allele causes a certain type of protein to form-apex

Why a plant with yellow pods can never be a hybrid?

Yellow pods are a recessive trait and for this type of trait to show in the phenotype, both alleles have to be recessive. If there was a recessive allele (yellow) and a dominant allele(green) as it shows in hybrid pods, then the dominant allele would be the one shown and the pod would be green.