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Q: What type of animals can be found in a deciduous forest?
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What type of are in the deciduous forest?

A forest ranger, a vet, any job having to do with animals, or nature.

What type of jobs are in the deciduous forest?

A forest ranger, a vet, any job having to do with animals, or nature.

What type of animals in the deciduous forest?

i think it could be elk squirrels or anything that might live in a forest

What type of biome are found in Arizona?

I think it could be found in a tundra. Or try a deciduous forest.

What type of plant in a deciduous forest?

A great variety of plants are found in a deciduous forest. Moss, lichens, ferns, wildflowers, and other small plants grow on the forest floor. Shrubs grow at mid-level. Trees such as maple, oak, birch, magnolia, sweet gum and beech are found in deciduous forests.

What is a type of biome which is found on the land?

Temperate deciduous forest Coniferous forest Woodland Chaparral Tundra Grassland Desert Tropical savanna Tropical forest

What type of environment does the deciduous forest have?

Tropical .

What type of storms the deciduous forest?


Which type of forest contain many trees that shed their leaves during the fall and winter?


What types of animals live in the forest?

All type of animals are found in forests.

What is the approximate latitude of all the deciduous forest in the world?

The world's deciduous forests are found between 25 and 50 degrees latitude, both in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Deciduous forests are one of the two types of temperate forest; the other type is evergreen forests.

What types of animals are there in the deciduous forest?

Wolves,bears,deer,rabbits,skunks,squirrels,chipmunks,birds,racoons,hedgehogs,foxes,bats(if there r caves) and a load of other animals on google images type in forest animals.