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Leeches are flat worm-like animals found in ponds and lakes. To keep leeches under control in a water setting, it is important to have fish around that will eat the leeches. Redear sunfish are good leech eaters.

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Q: What type of animals eats leeches?
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What eats leeches?

Fish!Fish love worms and leeches are essentially blood sucking

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Why do leeches feed on thin skinned animals when they are young?

Leeches are a type of segmented worm that belong to the class of animals known as oligochaetes, earth worms are also in this class of animals. What make Leeches different from many other animals is their food and how they obtain it. Leeches live off the blood of other animals making them a type of parasite. A parasite is an animal who has developed the need to feed off of other animals. Leeches secrete an enzyme that actually numbs the area where it chooses to feed as well as breaking down skin tissue so they can easily suck up the blood of their host animal. It would stand to reason that not only would leeches prefer baby animals because there skin is more supple and not quite as thick but also maybe because the baby animal may have some of the vitamins and minerals present that the leech cannot get from an adult animal because the animal is nursing. Leeches are sometimes used by doctors even today to suck out blood in a diseased portion of the body. Yuck!

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Earthworms and leeches.

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What animals do leeches feast off of?

people and animals blood

What type of creature are leeches?

it is a insect because technically leeches are worms with suckers on both ends

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