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Surgical drainage of the bus, warm salted bath, hot back application, antibiotics. Really simple proceder.

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11y ago

cephalexin capsule 500 mg. 12 hourly will do the action

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Q: What type of antibiotics are used to treat a abcess?
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What type of medicine is generally used to treat bacterial infections?

Most of the drugs that treat bacterial disease are called antibiotics.

Antibiotics are used to treat what?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. Antibiotics cannot treat viral infections such as HPV, herpes and HIV.

What is the most common type of medicine used to treat the symptoms of an infectious diseases?

Antibiotics. But different antibiotics affect different germs.

What type of infection are antibiotics used to fight?

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections (provided the bacteria isn't resistant to the antibiotic). Different antibiotics are required to treat Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria due to their differing structures. They have no effect on viruses.

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How do you treat keratoconjunctivitis?

Antibiotics, antifungals, and antiviral medication will be used to treat the appropriate organism. Broad spectrum antibiotics will be used immediately,

When are antibiotics used to treat chickenpox?

Antibiotics often are prescribed if blisters become infected.

Can antibiotics be used to treat skin rashes?


What will antibiotics treat?

Antibiotics are used as an aid to the body's immune system for fighting harmful bacteria.

What type of illness can be treated with antibiotics?

Only bacterial infections they are not effective for viral infections.

Antibiotics are used to treat viruses.?

NO! Antibiotics have no effect at all on viruses and should never be used to treat viral infections and doing so accelerates the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

What are germentin tablets used for?

They are antibiotics usually used to treat a chest infection