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Asexual Reproduction (also known as vegetative reproduction) of plants is reproducing without using sex cells - through mitosis only!

Asexual reproduction does not require more than one parent plant, it is fast and does not use the same amount of energy as the production of flowers, fruit and seed. Normally speed is a vital to plant when growing conditions are optimal; in less than optimal or uncertain conditions the production of seed is a more long-term option of reproduction.

Asexulally produced plants are are genetically identical.

During asexual reproduction no genetic "mixing" (or hybridization) of material takes place, this can be a disadvantage in some instances, as the "gene pool" does not increase and plants may be less able withstand climatic or other external changes.

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12y ago

Well there is no sexual interference as such but the plants clone themselves many times that is how a weed regrows every time it is picked.

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Q: What type of asexual reproduction do plants use?
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