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what does a bird eat

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Q: What type of bird gets eaten by a grizzly bear?
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How does the grizzly bear gets it's food?

By hunting or fishing.

Who would win in a fight between an ox 4 lions and a grizzly bear?

Lions, especially if they are females from the same pride. The grizzly bear can defeat and kill the ox if it avoided its horns and head, but the lions will get it after the grizzly bear gets injury by the ox's body strength. If the grizzly bear attacked the 4 lions, the grizzly bear will have a chance to win because its big claws can kill 2 lions if it was strong enough to. After the lions get killed, the grizzly bear might get injured, and the ox can kill it with ease.

How long can a bird of prey live?

Until it gets eaten...

Why is it hard for grizzly bear to find food in the winter?

Grizzlies eat a lot of plants and berries, which gets kinda scarce in winter.

Who would win silverback or grizzly bear?

3 wolves will win if the gorilla gets frightened, and 3 wolves are enough to take down a lion. A silverback gorilla is pretty good at killing a wild dog, but 3 wolves will get the gorilla at the end.

What is an example of a food chain of the rainforest?

you really need to find an answer for this questonno its i hard question

What is the grizzly bears predator?

There are not many animals that would prey on a Grizzly Bear because of its size but, humans are the main predator unless the bear is hurt or young. When they are hurt or young almost any carnivore can become a predator.

What are some food webs of the ocean?

Plankton gets eaten by krill, the krill gets eaten by the baby squid, baby squid gets eaten by the small fish, small fish get eaten by the tuna, tuna gets eaten by the shark.

What does the chameleon get eaten by?

He Gets Eaten By An Eagle

What is the connotative of grizzly bear?

Hmm...I would think of a big, ferocious, growling bear. Connotation is the feeling that someone gets after reading a this case I guess it could be two. It really depends on how you imagine them to be...and because of that the connotation people get can be different from person to person.

Who would win a fight between an elephant and a mammouth?

A elephant would kill the grizzly bear because it can stab the grizzly bear with those tusks.that may be true but also the grizzly bear is moreaggressive and if the elephant gets scared all it can do is charge forward or run away

Is biomagnification cyclic If yes how?

yes one gets it then that ones eaten then the bigger one has it and it gets eaten