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Q: What type of birds and berries did brian eat in hatchet?
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In hatchet What does Brian find to eat?

Type your answer here... Those little red berry things... and then he throws up.

What are gut cherries in the book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, "gut cherries" refer to a type of small red berries that the main character, Brian, finds and eats in the wilderness. They are described as tart and juicy, providing Brian with some much-needed sustenance while he is stranded in the wilderness.

What type of bird eats the berries in Hatchet?

thay don,t

In the book hatchet whats the real species name of the fool birds?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, the "fool birds" that Brian encounters are actually a type of grouse. The specific species mentioned in the book is the "spruce grouse." These birds are known for their docile nature and tendency to freeze when startled, earning them the nickname "fool birds."

What type of jacket did brian have in the book hatchet?

Brian had a windbreaker jacket in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It was a basic, lightweight jacket that provided some protection against the elements during his survival in the wilderness.

What type of plane was brian in in hatchet?

Brian was in a Cessna 406, a small bush plane, in the novel "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen.

Explain how brian is led to the berries?

Brian is led to the berries by using his survival skills and knowledge of the wilderness. He pays attention to the surroundings, looking for signs such as the type of plants and animals in the area, to find the berries. Brian's observation and understanding of nature help him locate the berries, which he can then use as a source of food in the wild.

What tracks lead to the important food source in the book hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, Brian follows animal tracks to a food source when he observes that animals were frequently present near a particular type of plant. He also learns to find food by observing the behavior of wildlife and identifying what they are eating. Over time, Brian becomes more skilled at foraging for berries, fish, and other edible items in the wilderness.

What type of plane did the pilot fly in 'Hatchet'?

The protagonist in "Hatchet," Brian Robeson, was flying in a Cessna 406 when the pilot had a heart attack and the plane crashed.

What did Brian eat and paid the price in hatchet-two words?

Type your answer here... choke cherries

Is a ruffed grouse in the book hatchet?

Yes, a ruffed grouse is mentioned in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. It is a type of bird that Brian, the main character, attempts to catch for food during his survival in the wilderness.

What does Brian need to make a bow and arrow in the book Hatchet?

In the book "Hatchet," Brian needs to find a specific type of wood that is straight and flexible to make a bow. He also needs to find a piece of fishing line or thread to use as the bowstring.