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Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. It is used to carry oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.

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Q: What type of blood cells contain hemoglobin and what do they use it for?
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What type of cells contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen

What are the type of cells lcated in blood that contain hemoglobin?

red blood corpuscles

Does blood type O contain hemoglobin?

Yes. All blood types have hemoglobin. The ABO blood groups only refer to a sugar on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type O do not have this sugar.

What type of blood cell contains hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all the cells in the body?

Red blood cells.

What type of compound is hemoglobin found in red blood cells?


Which type of blood cells carries hemoglobin for transporting oxygen through the body?

Red blood cells. You have about 25 trillion red blood cells in your body.

What is a type of blood cell that transports hemoglobin for gas transport?

They are RBC's i.e. red blood cells.

What type of human cells do not contain nuclei?

Red blood cells have no nucleus after they have fully developed. The nucleus is ejected so that there is more room for hemoglobin. That molecule is what carries oxygen.Because there is no nucleus the cell can not repair itself and will die in about 120 days. It's parts will then be recycled.

Which type of cell is used to carry oxygen in blood?

Red blood cells carry oxygen by binding oxygen molecules to hemoglobin (an iron-based molecule).White blood cells fight infections and other germs, and platelets clot cuts. You need to intake a certain amount of iron to form the hemoglobin that holds oxygen on your red blood cells. If you don't, you can become "anemic" and you will get tired more quickly.Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen in the body. The protein hemoglobin in red blood cells carries oxygen to deliver it to the other cells in the body.

Can an A plus blood type receive O- red blood cells?

Yes, it is safe.Since type O- blood cells contain no antigens, they will safely interact with type A+ blood. This is why Type O- is considered a "universal donor".

Can you get Sickle cell anemia?

When you walk past someone who sneezes. The anemia gets its sickle into your cells that way. This is wrong^^^^ This is the correct answer: Sickle cell anemia is caused by an abnormal type of hemoglobin called hemoglobin S. Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen. Hemoglobin S changes the shape of red blood cells, especially when the cells are exposed to low oxygen levels. The red blood cells become shaped like crescents or sickles. ( its passed down from parents to offspring, if they have the trait )

What is a type of blood cell?

Red blood cells are small and red, rich in hemoglobin, and carry oxygen to tissues of the body.