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type O+

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Carli Paucek

Lvl 10
2y ago
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14y ago

If someone with an A blood type is given blood from a B donor, the recipient's blood will react with the antigens in the B blood, rejecting the transfusion and triggering a transfusion reaction. O blood, however, can be safely given to someone with an A blood type, because there are no antigens in the donor blood to react with the recipient's body.

However, things get a bit more complicated than that, as the "+" and "-" symbols you are probably used to seeing after blood types would suggest. The ABO blood typing system can be further classified with the use of the Rhesus blood group system. Blood types under this system are determined by testing for A and B antigens, and looking for something called the Rhesus or Rh factor. If the Rh factor is present, the blood is "positive," and if it is not, the blood is "negative."

When the two systems are combined, you get a plethora of blood types: A-, A+, B-, B+, AB-, AB+, O-, and O+. As you might imagine, this complicates matters, because the presence of the Rh factor can cause a transfusion reaction in someone with a negative blood type, making it unsafe, for example, for B+ blood to be transfused into a B- recipient. When all eight of these blood types are considered as a group, only one blood type, O-, is totally nonreactive, making someone with O negative blood a universal donor. People with AB+ blood can take blood from anyone because their blood will not react with the Rh factor or the A and B antigens.

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12y ago

O negative is the universal donor. They do not have any of the antigens on their blood cells A, B, or Rh that cause people without those antigens to attack the blood cells.

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12y ago

blood group O are universal donor because they have no antigen.

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9y ago

Universal donor means they can donate to a person with any blood group.The blood group is O negative.

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Which blood type is theoretically considered the universal donor?

The blood type that is theoretically considered the universal donor is type O. Type O blood does not have any antigens, therefore it is compatible with any blood type.

What blood type is a universal donor and what blood type is a universal receiver?

Blood type O is a universal donor of all blood types but can only receive from blood type O. Blood type AB is the only blood type that is a universal receiver of any blood type, but can only receive from blood type AB.

What is the unversal donor blood type?

Type O negative.

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O+ :is a universal donor

Which blood type is the universal blood type?

Type O negative blood is a universal donor blood type. In normal circumstances, anyone can receive type O negative blood in a transfusion. When it comes to plasma donation, type AB positive is a universal donor.

What blood type described as the unverisal donor is ab?

Blood type O is the universal donor.

Who is universal blood donor?

Blood type O-

What are the blood types called universal donner?

The universal donor is blood type O.

Is a person with blood type O a universal donor?

Yes, A person having O +ve blood group is universal donor

What blood type is a universal reciever?

AB+ is the universal receiver. O - is the universal donor.

What is a universal donor blood type and how can I find out if I am one?

To find out your blood type you will need to either: A) donate blood and receive a donor's card or B) get a blood typing test.As far as the universal blood type goes type AB positive can donate plasma to any blood type, but O is considered the "universal donor" because it can give red blood cells to any type.

What blood type is also known as the universal donor?

Blood type O negative