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Q: What type of blood will be safety given to any blood type?
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If you have type A plus blood who can you donate blood to?

Type A blood can be given to patients with type A or AB blood. Type B blood can be given to patients with type B or AB blood Type AB blood can only be given to patients with type AB blood. Type O blood can be given to patients with any blood type. The plus means the Rhetus group of the blood, which isn't as important as the blood type (A, B, AB or O), meaning there usually aren't complications even if blood of the wrong Rhetus group is given to a patient. In modern medicine, however, patients are nearly always given the blood of their own blood type, if possible.

Why blood type O can donate it blood to other BLOOD TYPE?

Because blood type O doesn't have any kind of Antibodies so it can be given to all types of blood.

Is ab positive a valuable blood type?

AB is a very good blood type as they can take any type, O is most valuable as a donor as O can be given to any blood type (there are exceptions of course)

Can o- blood be given to o plus?

Yes. O negative red cells can be given to any other blood type.

What is the probability for blood type AB?

AB- is an extremely rare blood type, occurring in 1% or less of the population in any given area.

Is blood plasma universal?

AB plasma has been considered as the universal Blood plasma type, and therefore AB plasma is given to patients with any Blood type.

The universal recipient blood type is what?

Type AB positive is often referred to as the universal recipient because most people with this type of blood can receive any other type of blood given to them.

Why is O blood given to patients of unknown blood type?

Because anyone can receive O blood without having their immune system destroy itself as it would if given the wrong type of blood.

Which blood type can be given to any patient?

The universal transfusion blood donor type is the "O negative" blood type. The Rh factor (positive or negative) is as important as the ABO blood group. If you gave O positive blood to someone with Rh negative blood, it would cause problems, including the possibility of death.

Why does different blood types make you more unique?

O negative blood is the universal donor and can be given to any person with any type of blood. Other blood types can not do this because their antigens.

What is the best type of blood to receive if you need blood?

O negative can be given to a person with any bloodtype, but if possible it is better for a person requiring transfusion to be given blood matching their own bloodtype.

Why blood O can donet to blood b?

Because blood type O doesn't have any kind of Antibodiesand so body will not consider O as a foreign type, so it can be given to all types of blood including blood type B