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Q: What type of bond is formed between oxygen and chlorine?
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Contrast the bonds that are formed by diatomic chlorine and diatomic oxygen?

The covalent bond in diatomic oxygen is a double bond and is stronger than the single covalent bond in diatomic chlorine.

Is carbon and chlorine have covalent bond?

Yes. a covalent bond is formed between carbon and chlorine.

What kind of bond is formed between hydrogen and chlorine?

A covalent bond.

The ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when?

The ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when chlorine gains an electron from sodium.

What is the main difference in covalent boning within molecules of diatomic chlorine and diatomic oxygen?

The chlorine atoms share two electrons between themselves, while the oxygen atoms share four. This can alternatively be stated as a single bond between the two chlorine atoms and a double bond between the two oxygen atoms.

What type of bond is formed between two chlorine atoms in a chlorine molecule?

Covalent. Non-metals tend to share electrons

Is chlorine a single bond or a double bond?

The bond formed by chlorine is a single bond- e.g. in Cl2, in HCl

Is the covalent bond formed between chlorine and bromine polar or non polar?

Polar- chlorine and bromine have different electronegativities.

What type of bond between sodium and chlorine?

An ionic bond as there is an actual transfer of electrons between the two elements in the product, Sodium Chloride. Sodium gives away one electron in order to become stable, i.e., get noble gas configuration and chlorine accepts that electron (given away by Sodium) to become stable. Thus, an ionic bond is formed between them.

Is the bond between fluorine and chlorine nonpolar covalent?

The electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and for fluorine it is 3.98. The difference in electronegativities is 0.54, so the bond between fluorine and oxygen is polar covalent.

In soduim chloride does chlorine gain or loose an electron?

in sodium chloride chlorine gains an electron and the bond formed between then is ionic.

What type of bond is formed between Hydrogen and oxygen in H2O?

it is water