

What type of bonding is found in DNA?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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11y ago

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DNA ( Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) is held together by a hydrogen bond in between the two bases connecting the two backbones that make the "twisted ladder" shape. The backbones are held together by sugars and phosphates. They are usually called sugar-phosphate backbones.

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15y ago
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4d ago

The bonding found in DNA is primarily hydrogen bonding. These hydrogen bonds form between complementary bases on the two DNA strands, holding the strands together in the iconic double helix structure. Additionally, there are also covalent bonds, specifically phosphodiester bonds, that link the individual nucleotides within each DNA strand.

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12y ago

Hydrogen bonds

Covalent bonds

Phosphodiester bonds

Sigma bonds

Pi bonds

Double bonds

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14y ago

When DNA is replicated, hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases are broken to allow for the double helix DNA strand to "unzip"

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11y ago

Covalent bond, hydrogen bond, Sulphur bridges, van der Waals forces of attraction.

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12y ago

Hydrogen Bonds.

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12y ago

They have a phosphodiester bond

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13y ago

A good one. :P

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11y ago

Hydrogen Bonds

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