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Q: What type of boundary is paricutin on divergent or convergent?
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Types of plate boundaries?

what is the type of plate boundary? divergent, convergent, and transform

What type of boundary does the red sea affect?

I believe the red sea is located at a divergent plate boundary.

What type of boundary occurs between the max a plate and the South American plate?

Convergent on the western perimeter, divergent on the Easter perimeter.

At which type of boundary do plates move apart?

divergent transform, or convergent

What are the three type of boundaries in science?

The three types of boundaries are Convergent Boundary, Divergent Boundary, and Transform Boundary.......

What type of boundary is responsible for earthquakes?

Divergent, transform, and convergent all have earthquakes

What type of plate boundary causes shear stresses?

Shearing stress is one of three kinds of stresses. Compressional and tensional are the others. Shearing stress is associated with transform. The other two kinds of plate boundaries are convergent and divergent.

What kind of boundaries can cause earthquakes and volcanoes?

Earthquakes can occur at any type of plate boundary, but the most powerful earthquakes tend to occur at convergent boundaries and at transform boundaries.

Shallow focus earthquakes are associated with which type of plate boundary?

associated with divergent ,convergent ,and transform

What type of plate boundary formed the Fuego Volcano Guatemala?

it was a convergent of divergent because it is a stratovolcano

Which type of boundary occurs off the Oregon Coast?

All three! Convergent, divergent, and transform.

What body type is the Pacific plate and the Nazca Platew What boundary type is the Pacific plate and the Nazca plate?

The Nazca plate shares both convergent and divergent boundaries. The Pacific plate has both a transform boundary and divergent boundary