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Q: What type of boyfriend is the one that buys you flowers then says he hates you?
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When your ex boyfriend says I love you in a friend way?

He really hates you

When you call a boy and ask to be my boyfriend what if he says no?

You ask why, if he says he dosnt know then say why not give it a try and see where it goes........ If he says he does not like u, then he obviously hates you.

If your boyfriend says he hates you does that really mean he does?

If he has said it after a tragic event or blunder. Than he means that he is really upset and sad.

You love your boyfriend but he hates you?

okay so basically he doesn't take you seriously and doesn't care about you if he hates you..? if he is your boyfriend all i can say is dump him straight away, whats the point of having a boyfriend if he hates you right? he could be cheating on you for all you know.. well he might not be cheating but just do what he is doing and se if he likes it and if he says it is not working out just say well it was not aparantly bothering me when you did it?

If a girl accepts flowers from a man says they were very nice but actually she has got a boyfriend what does she really mean?

she is just polite. Or maybe she wants to drop her boyfriend.

How do you get an ex-girlfriend back that wont talk to you and seems to have a new boyfriend she says she hates you and has no feelings anymore after you cussed her out and have tried everything?

Sorry, but she doesn't seem like she would come back to you, and you will have to just admit defeat.If she wont talk to you, that could be because she hates you, and you cannot change that.If she has a new boyfriend, she must like him a lot more than she does you, and he might be a better boyfriend than you.If she says she hates you, she means it.If you cussed her out, that is your own fault and you should have known better.Conclusion:You cannot get her back

What to do when your boyfriend strings you along for eight years says he wants to marry you buys the house you want and than says he'll move into the house and you stay in the apt and you can date?

Jerk, loser, mama's boy, get rid of him

What happens when your mom says she hates you?

tell her to go to hell lol ask her why she hates you

What does it mean if a 5th grade boy says he hates you?

Usally it means the opposite

What does it mean when a guy says thanks for looking out for you?

he hates you

How can you tell your mom hates you?

she says she hates you der or does dangerous stuff with you trying to kill you. report her to tha police

My best friend hates me because i dont want to dump my boyfriend but she wants me to what do i do?

its most likely she wants to DO him so i wouldn't or you could just say to her ' u dump your bboyfriend i want to do him' and see what she says x