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That's used to giving the person more oxygen. It doesn't need a particular type of care as such - but the environment should be kept fire safe in view of increased oxygen levels.

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Q: What type of care would you provide for a person with an oxygen tubing and mask?
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How do you keep cats from chewing plastic oxygen tubing?

You can pick up flexible silicon tubing 5/16" at any hardware store. Get it the same length as the oxygen tubing you want to protect. Ask the store to slit it all the way along its length on one side, so that the O2 tubing can be pushed into the outer tube, which will close up around it. The outer tubing protects the inner tube, and the cat may try to bite it, but will not get through to the inner tube, so the oxygen keeps flowing. The silicon tube is flexible enough to move very much the way the O2 tube would move, and it gives great peace of mind.

If a person had too much blood passing throuh the alveolar capilaries and not enough alveolar gas to provide oxygen to the blood what would you observe?

Systemic hypoxia -- the overall insufficiency to accumulate enough oxygen (and nitrogen too, but that's inert).

How do you bend copper tubing?

that would depend on the temper of the tubing as some types cannot be bent

What items in a fish tank produce oxygen Plant Water Snail Rock?

Plants would provide oxygen in a fish tank.

Why would humans swell up and die if they traveled to Mars?

The air pressure on the planet Mars is extremely low. A person exposed to such low air pressure would therefore be injured by the internal pressure of his or her own body, which is adapted to the Earth's atmosphere. Even aside from that, the atmosphere of Mars does not contain oxygen, so any person trying to breathe it would die from lack of oxygen. However, a person could live on Mars, just as a person could live on the moon, as long as that person remained inside a space suit or other air-tight container, which would provide the right kind of air pressure and oxygen to breathe.

How much oxygen does a scuba tank provide?

Firstly, tanks rarely provide oxygen - they usually provide simple air or other breathable gas. Pure oxygen would kill you if you breathed it deeper than about 30 feet.Second, the average scuba tank holds the equivalent of about 80 cubic feet of gas under pressure. At the surface that would be enough to breathe off for about three hours for an everage person. But the deeper you go, the faster you consume gas because you breathe it under greater pressure.

What gas dose the child provide for the plant to use?

A child breathing out would provide CO2, which is used by the plant in photosynthesis.

What will happen if a person was on mercury?

They would because of the lack of oxygen

Why would a person want to buy a boat?

Some reasons a person would want to buy a boat is for fishing, waterskiing, for seclusion, inner tubing or to make a sales pitch. A boat can also be used to impress a girl.

Copper Tubing?

form_title= Copper Tubing form_header= Have the supplies you need for all of your home improvement tasks. How much tubing do you need?*= _ [50] Will the tubing be used for liquids?*= () Yes () No Please describe the project in detail.*= _ [50]

What would happen to the oxygen and carbon dioxide if your planted more trees?

Well the trees provide us with oxygen, and we provide them with carbon dioxide. So if you planted more trees, we'd have more oxygen and they'd have more carbon dioxide! :D