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Q: What type of cells do not contain a nuclear membrane?
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What type of cell doesn't have a membrane around their nucleus?

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nuclear membrane.

A plasma membrane is found in which type of cells?

Virtually all cells contain a cell membrane, including plants and animals.

The simple cells with no membranes are?

First off there are no simple cells that have no membranes, As the simple cells are prokaryotic cells- these cells contrain a cytoplast,and a cell membrane, the other type of cells are eukaryotic cells- these cells contain a cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membrane, and in some cell walls, and mithrocondria, and some have chloroplasts, and they also have Endoplasmic reticilumns, and a Golgi apparatus in most, and they have vacouls. so therefore there are no cells that do not contain a membrane

In what way do the membranes of a eukaryotic cell vary?

Eukaryotic cells are a type of cell that has a membrane bound nucleus and membrane bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells are another type of cell, more primitive that it lacks a nuclear envelope yet not so primitive that it contains no membrane bound organelles!

What does prokaryotic and eukaryotic?

These are the two categories of cells . A prokaryote is a type of cell without a nuclear envelop and some other cell organelle with out a membrane as in case of bacterial cell. A eukaryote cell has cell organelles enclosed in the cell membrane and has nuclear envelop.

What type of cells contain a nucleus?

The cells of eukaryotes will contain a nucleus.

What type of membrane protein joins cells?

Lipo-protein membrane

What type of proteins go in and out of cells?


What type of cells contain chloroplasts?

Only plant cells contain chloroplasts. NOT animal cells...

What cells are eukaryotic type?

They are any cells with a membrane bound nucleus.

What type of energy do atoms and molecules contain?

Nuclear. Hence Nuclear bombs. Which shows they contain a LOT of energy. A LOT.

What type of cells contain vacuoles?

plant cells