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All of them. White blood cells attack disease and the red carry blood and oxygen to the wound. Red blood cells also repair the body.

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Q: What type of cells in humans are needed for constant repair in humans?
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What are nutrient needed to build and repair cells?

proteins or amino acids

What Used for growth and repair?

Yes. Fibre is needed for the growth and repair of muscles, skin and blood cells.

Why do humans require mitosis and meiosis?

When mitosis occurs, 2 genetically identical daughter cells are formed. Any guesses why its needed? Its needed for the following: 1. Growth of organs and organisms 2. Repair to damaged tissue 3. Replacement of worn-out cells eg. Red blood cells

Is meiosis needed for growth and tissue repair?

Yes it is. Just think of a "toe" when you think of mitosis, since that is what you need for your toe to grow.Meiosis is when a cell doubles and then splits into 4 half cells, and then turning into either one egg cell or 4 sperm cells.

Two bone cells located in the periosteum and endosteum are?

osetoblasts and osteoclasts which are both needed for bone formation and repair.

What are the 4 body systems in humans that transport needed materials to cells?

i know one is cardiovascular for sure

What is needed for your body to grow and repair itself?

Mitosis is the process by which cells and tissues grow and repair themselves. You need plenty of oxygen and a healthy diet for body cells to grow and repair.Protein is particularly important for tissue repair.

What are the nutrients that repair and replace cells?

Proteins repair and replace cells.

In the human body which cells are constantly dividing?

White blood cells in the human body are constantly dividing. White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are the cells of the immune system that are involved in defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders.

What will protein do for your body?

Protein helps to repair damaged cells and build new cells in place of the dead ones. Body builders use proteins to build up extra cells than actually needed.

Mitosis in humans results in the formation of what?

During cell division, mitosis produces two diploid cells that are identical to each and parent cells. Mitosis is critical for cell growth, repair and reproduction.