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Well the chicken eggs that are best for eating are the big taned ones, or the white ones. A chicken will always lay egs, but the eggs will only hatch if the chicken mates with another chicken. If the chicken doesn't mate then the eggs will never hatch, so these are the ones we eat! And my favourite way to eat eggs are fried with beans and chips! YUM YUM!

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8y ago
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13y ago

The FDA determined after much testing that the nutritional value of hen's eggs is more-or-less identical from one species of hen to the next. it is commonly believed that brown eggs are somehow "more nourishing" or otherwise "better" than white eggs. There is no truth to that, either.

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12y ago

The best eggs if you can find them are eggs layed locally (neighbor) 2nd best are free range eggs from grocery store, 3rd best is any other egg ( brown and white are the same nutrient level, just have different colored shells)

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Which type of chicken lays the most brown eggs?

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Eggs. Some lay white, brown, pink, or even green. Some have speckles it depends on the type of chicken that lays the egg.

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Is a platypus a type of bird?

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