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Q: What type of chronic lung infection is resistant to drugs?
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What is the word Chronic infection of the lung tissue?

Infection of the bronchi would be bronchitis, while pneumonia is a disease which affects the lungs.

In the US which drug resistant lung infection is increasing in frequency due to homelessness and other diseases?


What are some of the conditions that are contraindications for heart transplantation?

active infection pulmonary hypertension chronic lung disease with loss of more than 40% of lung function

Does one get viral infection from bird droppings and feathers resulting in chronic hoarse voice?

Irritation from handling bird droppings or feathers is usually not the result of an infection. It could be a chronic condition called Bird Keeper's Lung.

How does smoking affect physical development?

Smoking causes chronic, repetitive lung infections. You've got a lot of reserve, but every infection adds another micro-scar to the lung.

What type of lung disease is encountered from low heart voltage?

Chronic obstructive lung disease. This includes asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, and alleric bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. The most common cause of obstructive lung disease is lung scarring after a tuberculosis infection.

Fact or opinion Asthma is a chronic lung condition?

This is a fact. Asthma is a chronic lung condition resulting in chronic inflammation and periods of bronchospasm.

For what could a chronic cough be symptomatic?

There are a variety of things that a chronic cough can be symptomatic of. Some things that could be the cause are asthma, allergies, respiratory tract infection, GERD, pollution, bronchitis or lung cancer.

What is chronic lung disease?


What is emphysema an example of?

Emphysema is one of many chronic obstructive lung diseases. It is primarily caused by chronic exposure to lung irritants.

What is Chronic obstructive lung disease also known as?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is also known as chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD), chronic obstructive airway disease (COAD),chronic airflow limitation (CAL) and chronic obstructive respiratory disease (CORD).