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Q: What type of clause is shown in parentheses that we were suppose to take?
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What type of clause is shown in the parentheses in you missed the plane that you were supposed to take?


What type of clause is shown in parentheses you missed the plate that you were supposed to take?

Its actually plane, and it is an adjective.

What is 2.3 plus in parentheses 4.5 minus 2.1 parentheses?

Just take the parenthesis and you will have your answer.

Is the clause After you finish your dinner an adjective or adverb clause?

It is an adverb clause. It will say "when" an activity may take place.

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The noun clause 'how you take car of it' is the object of the preposition 'on'.

Why is television a passive activity?

There is virtually no physical effort needed so is 'physically passive'. I suppose you could argue that you are 'actively' watching it but research has shown that you take in and actively remember very little of it. Who knows???

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The dependent clause, "whatever you like" is an adverbial clause, modifying the verb "can take".The word "whatever" can function as an adjective, an adverb, a pronoun, and interjection.

What does tenex do when you take it if you are not ADHD?

what does tenex do for you if your not suppose to take it

What does Parenteses mean in a mathematical term?

Parentheses, or brackets, are often used as a way of indicating that the operation within the parentheses must be evaluated before other operations. Parentheses take top priority in the order in which operations are carried out (PEMDAS in US, BIDMAS in UK).

What type of clause or phrase is Even though Darla recommended the course you decided not to take it?

It's an adverb clause.

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no you cant

Paragraph 18 of the power of congress two words?

This portion of the Constitution is known as the elastic clause. This clause allows for Congress to take on some powers not specifically given to them in the Constitution in extreme cases.