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Q: What type of climate do landlocked areas have?
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What type of climate is experienced in areas adjacent to sea?

The type of climate that is experienced in areas adjacent to the sea is the Mediterranean-type climate.

What might prevent a type of vagetation from growing in certain areas?

The climate may not be suitable for that type of vegetation.

What type of climate does Arkansas have?

Arkansas is consider to have a temperate climate. It has a higher temperature and humidity in the lowlands than in the mountain areas.

What are the two most landlocked areas in South America?

Bolivia and Paraguay

What type of climate does capybaras live in?

they live in worm sometimesrainy areas .They love water by the way.Bye!

What type of climate does the cinder cone volcano have?

Cinder cone volcanoes can be found in a number of areas with different climates. Climate does not affect the formation of volcanoes.

What is the marine type of climate?

the climate that areas situated near a body of water or mainly near the sea expirience. Usually associated with moderate temperatures.

What type of environment does a otter live in?

wet and humid climate. Probably near areas of water stagination.

What type of climate does Papua New Guinea have?

The climate is humid/tropical in coastal [most] areas, though keep in mind in the highlands it can exceed to very low temperatures.

Are there any plants on the shorelines?

There are many plants on shorelines. The type of plans are dependent upon the climate and where the shoreline is located. There are areas in Africa where the shoreline is in a desert climate and there are not any plants.

How does an areas weather different from the areas climate?

Climate : the temperature in an area.Last for alot of years.Exp:Florida's climate is hot;warm. Weather:rain,hail,snow,ext.

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