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There are vocational schools and community colleges that offer this program. There are also some private schools, however I would not recommend this. If you think that someday you might want to go onto an RN, I would strongly recommend you take the program through a community college.

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Q: What type of colleges can a Licensed Practical Nurse go to?
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What type of nurse takes the less time to go to school?

A licensed practical nurse or licensed vocational nurse has the shortest schooling.

What kind of degrees can I get from lpn school?

Well, LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) is a type of degree, so that's what you'll get at a LPN school.

What type of job can a practical nurse without a license get?

You may be able to get a nursing assistant job.

Where can you find funding for nursing LPN training?

You can find funding for nursing LPN training by contacting financial aid. In order to apply for Financial Aid you will need to fill out a FAFSA. After your registration is complete they will help you find the best type of aid to benefit your education.

How much nursing training do I need?

It depends on what type of nursing degree that you want to get. You can become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) in as little as nine months or you can become a registered nurse (RN) in about two years. If you want to get a bachelors degree in nursing that is going to take around four years. All nurses are required to take classes and train in a real hospital.

List of general responsibilities of being a nurse?

Licensed Vocational/Practical or Registered? Working in which field (sugical, ICU, ER, maternity, psychiatry)? The primary and most important role of a nurse is Patient Advocacy. For more specificity you can check the state licensing website by searching for STATE NAME Board of Nursing. Some states have a single board of nursing (LVN/LPN and RN) Other states have separate boards for each type of nurse.

How much training to be a nurse?

You First need to have a Degree in Nursing so 1. 4 years of College. then you get your Masters Degree in Your Field of study for Nurse Pract. wheither it is ER, OB/GYN, PEDS, Etc... so that could take you 1-2 years. you can look at any college web site that offers this type of program and get that information.To work as a nurse practitioner, you must:complete a bachelor's of nursing (or related) degree; complete a master's degree from a nurse practitioner program; be licensed as a nurse; and have strong interpersonal skills.Formal Education Graduate programs for nurse practitioners usually take one to two years to complete. You learn diagnostic and general health assessment skills. You can also focus in a particular area.Work ExperienceWorking as a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse provides good experience for this occupation.Volunteering at a clinic or hospital is also helpful.

What type of degree do you need to be in LPN Nursing?

A high school diploma is usually required to enter into a practical nursing training program. These are offered at many junior colleges and technical program schools. After completing the nursing program, an exam must be taken to become licensed as a LPN. Details vary by state, so contact your state's board of nursing to learn more.

What to Consider Before Taking Nurse Training Classes?

Healthcare is one career field that will never disappear. The demand for doctors and nurses is high, and will only increase over time. In order to work as a nurse, an individual must decide on what type of nurse they would like to become and then take the appropriate nurse training classes.Types of NursesThere are several types of nurses in the world. One type is a LPN, which stands for a licensed practical nurse. A licensed practical nurse can work in any medical setting and can conduct any medical task or skill within their realm. A LPN is considered the least educated type of nurse and is used for more hands-on tasks such as starting an IV. The next higher-educated nurse is a registered nurse, or RN. An RN often assumes a managing role on the nurse's team. Registered nurses are often desk nurses who keep track of patient's conditions, medications and also work directly with the physician. In hospitals, a registered nurse is often the one that provide medication to the patient.The highest educated nurse in a medical setting is a CNP, or certified nurse practitioner. A CNP has reached major educational milestones and is now licensed by the state to work as a individual practitioner. Although a certified nurse practitioner is not a doctor, her role is similar. She can operate her own clinic and can prescribe medication. The limits are that she can only treat minor emergencies and non-life threatening conditions. She also cannot prescribe narcotic medication to patients.Training ClassesTo become a nurse, an individual must take a series of classes over several years. These classes are to train the individual in the skills needed to correctly take care of their patients. From learning what medications treat certain conditions to how to properly give those medications to patients, nurses are required to become highly educated in the field of medicine.Nurse training classes are held in colleges and universities. The student must have completed all of the basic classes such as English and math before applying for admittance into nursing school. The average length of training for all nurses is at least four years.

When you go to college will your papers have to be done in microsoft word?

Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.Possibly, but it will depend on the college. Some may not specify what they have to be done in. As they would normally like things to be standard, they will usually ask for files to be of a certain type. Microsoft Word is well known and readily available and so it makes practical sense to use it for documents in colleges, so many colleges will specifically ask for it.

Is a watch an appropriate gift to give a nurse?

A watch may be a practical and useful gift to give to a nurse but the role itself may not ideally suit the wearing of one on the wrist. An alternative brooch type watch may be more suited.

What colleges offer a welding degree in Mississippi?

This is not typically a college level program. The most prevalent institutions offering this type of trade are vocational and other state licensed technical schools.