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Steam turbines are external combustion engines.

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Q: What type of combustion engine would you classify steam turbines used in power plants?
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What are the industries used in turbines?

Power plants use turbines to capture the kinetic energy of fluid flows and then turn a shaft and ultimately a generator with that energy. Jets engines are a classic use of turbines. They are used first to capture energy after combustion to drive generators as used in power plants, but on planes it is to power the plane, then second that same shaft turns other turbines at the start of the engine that compress intake air for better engine performance and further power (more oxygen => more combustion possible) --Scott UCSB

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You classify plants by their reproduction.

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Where are turbines used?

Power plants

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The majority of the world's electricity is supplied by fossil fuels, specifically coal, natural gas, and oil. These sources are used in power plants to generate electricity through combustion or steam turbines.

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Scientist classify plants as producers due their ability to make their own food. They are in the autotrophic level of the nutrient cycle.

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Is seaweed is a plant?

Some scientists classify seaweed as plants, and some classify seaweed as protists.

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Fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants both heat water in order to turn?

Steam turbines, which then themselves turn generators.Nearly every method for generating electricity at commercial scales uses turbines at some point (though they may be wind, steam, or water turbines).

Where do cars get their energy from?

It comes from storage batteries. Those batteries are recharged by either an engine or from the electric grid. Electricity from the electric grid comes from Hydro electric plants, coal fired plants, gas fired plants, wind power turbines, or solar energy.