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6mo ago

A type of conjunction that commonly appears at the beginning of a dependent clause is a subordinating conjunction. Subordinating conjunctions such as "because," "although," and "if" are used to introduce dependent clauses and show the relationship between the dependent clause and the independent clause.

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Q: What type of conjunction is a the beginning of a dependent clause?
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What type of conjunction is unless?

Unless is a subordinating conjunction, used at the beginning of a subordinate (that is, dependent) clause. For example, "Carrie says she will not go unless you go with her."

What type of conjunction is whenever?

"Whenever" is a subordinating conjunction, linking a dependent clause to an independent clause in a complex sentence.

What type of conjunction is that?

The word that, used as a conjunction, is a subordinatingconjunction, which will connect a dependent clause. In fact, it is the most-used subordinating clause in modern English.

What type of conjunction is used to connect the two kinds of clauses together?

A subordinating conjunction is used to connect independent and dependent clauses together. These conjunctions show the relationship between the clauses, such as cause and effect or time sequence. Examples include "because," "although," and "when."

What type of word is if in a sentence that says and if ypu were caught stealing?

In this sentence, "if" is a subordinating conjunction. It introduces a dependent clause that expresses a condition or possibility.

What type of conjunction begins a subordinate clause?

subordinate conjunction

What is a subordanating conjunction?

A subordinating conjunction is a type of conjunction that connects a dependent clause to an independent clause to form a complex sentence. It shows the relationship between the two clauses, such as showing cause and effect, time, or contrast. Examples include "because," "although," and "when."

What type of clause is whomever you had spoken to?

dependent clause

What is a subordination conjunctions?

A subordinating conjunction is a type of conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause and connects it to an independent clause. It shows the relationship between the two clauses, such as cause and effect or time sequence. Examples of subordinating conjunctions include "because," "although," "while," and "if."

What does subordinate independent clause mean?

A subordinate independent clause is a type of clause that has both dependent and independent qualities. It can function independently as a complete sentence but is usually part of a larger sentence and relies on another clause for context or meaning. This type of clause often begins with a subordinating conjunction.

What type of clause is Whomever you are calling?

This is a dependent relative clause.

What type of conjunction is when?

When is a subordinating conjunction and a conjunction of time. It can connect a clause that tells time, or that indicates cause and effect (e.g. when the hammer falls, the gun fires).