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One has, in that event, a direct current,

typically represented by the symbol DC .

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Q: What type of current is it if the polarity of the potential difference never changes?
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The difference between charge and current?

Charge is potential, current is flowing.

Current times resistance equals what?

That's Ohm's law. Volts = Current (or Amps) * Resistance.

Explain welder polarity?

Welder polarity has to do with DC (Direct Current) welders. Essentially, polarity is the direction of the current. Straight polarity means that the current is running from the electrode, to the metal, and back through the grounding clamp. Reverse polarity means that the current is going the opposite way, from the grounding clamp, through the metal, and up through the electrode.

What is potential and potential difference?

You can compare 'potential' with the height of an object, and 'potential difference' with the difference in height between two objects.Height is not absolute, we always specify height with respect to some point of reference, such as 'sea level'. Objects above sea level we can designate as, for example, plus 1000 metres; objects below sea level we can designate as, for example, minus 500 metres.The difference in height between these to objects will be +1000 - (-500) = 1500 metres.In much the same way, potential depends upon from where it is measured. In many cases, we measure potential with respect to earth, although we could use any other reference point, in which case its potential would be different. For example one object may have a potential of +1000 V with respect to earth, while another has a potential of -500 V with respect to earth.The potential difference between these two objects will be +1000 - (-500) = 1500 V.To summarise, potential exists at a single point, and is always measured with respect to another point, such as earth. Potential is always assigned a polarity with respect to its point of reference. Potential difference is the difference in the potentials at two different points, and does not have polarity assigned to it (do not confuse 'sense' -the direction in which it acts- with 'polarity').Finally, 'voltage' is another name for potential difference, not potential. It would be incorrect to ask "What is the voltage at this point with respect to earth".

Which phenomenon generates electric current?

A potential difference (electromotive force) does.

Related questions

How does the potential difference in the resistor change as the current through it changes?

The potential difference accross the resistor changes mainly due to gradual increase accumulation of electrons in the lower potential region which will in turn affect the potential gradient as the current flows through the resistor

Does potential difference change with change in resistance?

Changing the potential difference in a circuit does not change the resistance. Rather, it changes the current.

Does polarity reverse in both wire in an ac circuit?

If you use 'polarity' in the sense of electric charge, no, it does not. Voltage is simply another word for potential difference and potential difference doesn't have an electric charge. Potential, on the other hand does, but its charge polarity depends on from where it is being measured. If you use 'polarity' in the sense of direction, then, yes, it does. You can allocate direction to a voltage.

What is unilateral element?

When an element polarity of voltage or current source changes, the magnitude of the corresponding current or voltage changes is called unilateral element. Eg: Diode Even Diode connected back to back in parallel act as a Bilateral.

Is current produced with out potential difference?


Current is proportional to the potential difference and inversely proportional to its?

Current is proportional to the potential difference and inversely proportional to resistance. Ohm's law: Current equals voltage divided by resistance

The difference between charge and current?

Charge is potential, current is flowing.

Define alternating current definition?

The alternating current refers to the flow of the electric charge periodically and in the opposite direction. The polarity changes with the time..

Which current is having high polarity?

ac(Alternating Current ) has the high polarity.

Why potential difference is necessary for the flow of current?


How does voltage produce current?

Voltage across two terminals mean there exists a potential difference, and when the circuit gets closed, due to this potential difference the current flow.

What is the potential difference across a 1500 ohm resistor carrying a current of 0.075 A?

Potential Difference across a resistor is given by, Potential Difference = Resistance * Current = 1500 * 0.075 = 112.5 Volts