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Physical decontamination

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Q: What type of decontamination includes clothing removal and use of water and soap solution?
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What type of decontamination includes clothing removal and the use of a water and soap solution?

Chemical decontamination

What type of decontamination includes clothing removal and use of a water and soap solution?

Chemical decontamination

What type of decontamination includes clothing removal and the use of water and soap solution?

Chemical decontamination

What type of decontamination includes removal and use of water and soap solution?

Physical decontamination

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During dirty bomb attack what are the decontamination methods could be used?

Personal Decontamination: As a standard rule-of-thumb, removal of clothing removes 98% of an individuals particulate contamination. If no detection equipment is available this is the best method. A shower and an scan with a hand held detector is a good folow-up. Quick Decon scientifically-formulated products, used by nuclear power plants and nuclear waste facilities for radiation decontamination, are available to first responders and the general public for use after a dirty bomb attack or other radiological events.

How do i Removal of love grass from clothing?

just pull them off

What is unhairing?

A lime solution loosens the hair, making removal easier

Which procedure is the removal of the vitreous fluid and its replacement with a clear solution?

a vitrectomy

What is a bioelimination?

A bioelimination is the removal of a substance, especially from aqueous solution, by biochemical activity.

Definitions of ureterectomy?

Surgical removal of a ureter. This usually includes removal of the associated kidney as well.