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Q: What type of diction does Frederick Douglass use in his narrative Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass?
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What style is created by syntax and diction in this excerpt from The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James?

Slow-paced narrative

What is narrative strategy?

A narrative strategy is a sequence of techniques used to tell a story. Which are: *Point of view * Audience *Characterization *Plot Structure *Setting *Setting *Genre *Diction *Literary motifs & Figurative language

Which is part of the narratives voice?

The narrative voice refers to the perspective from which a story is told, including the point of view, style, and tone of the storytelling. It can greatly influence how the reader experiences and interprets the events in the narrative.

What can a narrative poem do that a prose story cannot?

A narrative poem can push the reader and listener onto the brink of immediate action. It can build a sudden and greater tempo by way of the liquidity of it's diction. A prose story most often can not do this.

The narrators point of view involvement in the events of the story omniscience or lack thereof diction and tone all contribute to?

They contribute to the narrative voice of the story.

The narrator point of view involvement in the events of the story omniscience or lack thereof diction and tone all contribute to?

They contribute to the narrative voice of a story.

The narrator's point of view involvement in the events of the story omniscience or lack thereof diction and tone all contribute to?

They contribute to the narrative voice of the story.

What type of diction is used in A Narrative of the Captivity by Mary Rowlandson what does it mean examples?

The diction in "A Narrative of the Captivity" by Mary Rowlandson is primarily formal and elevated, characterized by religious language and Old English vocabulary. This style reflects the Puritan beliefs and cultural norms of the time. For example, Rowlandson often uses phrases like "unto," "thou," and "art" instead of modern equivalents.

Where is the Diction in marigolds?

In the story "Marigolds" by Eugenia W. Collier, the diction refers to the author's choice of words and language style used to convey the themes and emotions of the narrative. The diction in the story helps create a vivid picture of the setting, characters, and their struggles, enhancing the overall impact of the story on the reader.

How do you know if a narrative is conversational?

The easiest way is through the diction that is used. (Word Choice) Relate the diction to your life; does it sound like your Grandpa telling you a story by the fireplace, or does it sound more like a college professor giving an anecdotal lecture in class?

Read the following excerpt from Frederick Douglass’s autobiography: But I should be false to the earliest sentiments of my soul, if I suppressed the opinion. Which of these is most clearly shown here (apex)?

Formal Diction (apex)

How is diction used in a story Apex?

Diction in a story refers to the author's choice of words and how they impact the tone, setting, and character development. In "Apex," the author's diction can evoke specific emotions, establish the story's mood, and reveal insights into the characters' personalities. By carefully selecting words, the author can create a vivid and engaging narrative that draws readers into the story.