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Q: What type of dogs did Emily carr own?
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a beagle named balyor

What do schnauzers eat?

Schnauzers are a very popular breed of dogs. The dogs can eat any type of food as others dogs do. Each dog will have their own preference.

Is Emily osment an own child?

Emily Osment is an adult and she has a brother.

Do people own dogs or do dogs own people?

People own the dogs because they do not control us while we control them.

Do dogs eat their own feces?

Dogs need something in their body when they eat their own feces and feces of other animals. They usually do not have a dietary dficiency but it could be some type of medical disorder.

Why did Brendon Carr eat his own pose?

Because he is a gay weirdo.

Why is Alan Car important to the world?

Alan Carr is a famous English comedian and television personality. Alan Carr now has his own comedy chat show known as Alan Carr: Chatty Man since 2009.

Dose Emily osment write her own songs?

Emily Osment co-writes all her songs

How many households own dogs?

more than 72 million households own dogs. the average amount of dogs to own is 1 or 2

Why do wiccans own dogs?

Wiccans own dogs for the same reasons Christians or Atheists own dogs - because they're cute and fun to play with.

Did Shakespeare own 3.5 dogs?

How does one own 3.5 dogs? hahaha. Three and a half dogs.. wow.

Does Emily Osment have her own store?

no i dont think