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Q: What type of earth's crust is the Tonga trench?
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In earths crust What type of rock is found under the oceans?

Oceanic crust, new oceanic crust is produced by seafloor spreading.

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What type of crust is the earths tectonic plates made up of?

Tectonic plates may be made of continental crust, oceanic crust, or both.

What type of mountain is form by upward movements by ckunks of earths crust?

I believe it's Andes Mountains.

What are the most common type of rock found at the earths surface and in the earths crust?

Sedimentary rocks is the most common rock type. 75% of all rocks on earth are Sedimentary.

What type tectonic plate boundary forms the Mariana trench?

A Transform Fault ZoneIn the textbook Earth Science and the Environment (4th Edition) by Thompson and Turk. Located on page 163, it shows that Tonga has a Convergent Boundary. A convergent boundary is where two lithospheic plates collide head on.

Where is each type of igneous rock formed?

The Extrusive igneous rock is formed on the earths surface while the Intrusive igneous rock is formed within or inside the earths crust.

What is formed when two plates collide into each other?

It depends on the type of crust involved. If both plates carry oceanic crust, an ocean trench is formed along with a volcanic island are on the overriding plate. If one plate carries oceanic crust and the other continental, you will get an ocean trench, a continental volcanic arc, and a mountain range. If both plates carry continental crust, then a mountain range is formed.

What do ingeous rocks form from?

a type of rock that forms when magma cools and hardens very slowly deep in earths crust...

What type of rocks make up the earths crust?

The crust is composed of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

What is a method scientists use to determine the composition of earths layers?

Type your answer here... D.Comparing the composition of the crust to other bodies in the solar system

Which rock group makes up least of earths crust?

Just to say: This question refers to rock groups. Not what type of rock.Igneous rocks make up most of the earth's crust.