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Q: What type of energy does a glow stick use?
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What type energy does glow sticks use?

Light Energy, Potential Energy, and possibly Heat Energy.

What has to be broken be fore you can use it?

A glow stick

If lost what colour of glow stick do you use?

greenish yellow

Can you use a glow stick in the cave?

You don't need to, the system will work it for you.

Where is the glow stick in the cave on Early Poptropica?

The glow stick is in the well in Early Poptropica village. Go down to the bottom, then use the teeter-totters to reach the upper left of the large chamber.

How do single use glow sticks work?

Disposable glow sticks utilize a chemical reaction to produce their familiar green glow. A glass capsule inside the plastic tube releases a phenyl oxalate solution into the surrounding hydrogen dioxide solution, and once they are mixed well, they react with each other and produce light energy. It is possible to manipulate the color of the glow stick depending on the chemicals used.

What was the original purpose of the glow stick?

the original purpose of glow sticks was to just create light because At the time it was quite a remarkable achievement because either electrical mains or battery were the energy sources for most light producing devices. so when glow sticks were created; something that provides light without the use of electricity it was quite astonishing.

How can you make glow stick last longer?

to make a glow stick glow again put in the freezer when it's glowing and then take it out when time passed and warm it with your hands a it will glow but for it to last you will have to repeat hope you enjoy^_^ yeah. that's right. but it wont glow as bright as it did when you first buy it.

What can you use to make a glow stick?

Mainly a transparent tube, airtight lid, phenyl oxalate, and hydrogen peroxide.

Can you use a microwave after a glow stick exploded in it?

You'd better clean it. There is a good chance it could be radioactive now.

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Data: The cold water was at a temperature of -8 degrees Celsius. The hot water was at 80 degrees Celsius, and the room temperature water was 23 degrees Celsius. Our observations when we put the glow stick in the cooler water, the glow sticks light intensity decreased the longer the glow stick sat there. After a much longer period of time the light of the glow stick completely went out. When we put the glow stick in the hotter water the light of the glow stick increased significantly, the color of the glow stick became a much brighter color pink. At the room temperature the glow stick in the water when we broke it the color was light but not as bright as the one in the hotter water but not as dark in the colder water, but it stayed the same as when we broke it.Conclusion: During class, we have been conducting our science fair experiment on glow sticks and there light reaction to hot, cold, and room temperature waters. We secured each glow stick in a glass of water at temperatures of 80 degrees Celsius (hot), -8 degrees Celsius (cold) and 23 degrees Celsius. (About room temperature). The environments that a glow stick is keep does affect the way the chemical reaction between the dye, ester, and hydrogen peroxide, in which how bright the energy is giving off during the reaction. Our hypothesis was; if I change the environment temperature of the glow sticks then when secured in a hotter environment the glow sticks light intensity will be brighter. This was our hypotheses because I thought if the chemicals during the reaction we heated, and the warmer the water is the faster the bonds move. It is easier and faster to mix the chemicals more quickly in result the energy of the chemical reaction would produce more light. My hypothesis was supported. When we secluded the glow stick in a hotter temperature the glow stick became much bright, and over time the glow stick even changed to lighter color pink. In some cases there could have been some errors, perhaps if the glow stick had already had the capsule broken or the glow stick was out dated, and even if the water was too cool or not cool enough. You could defiantly use this information learned in the real world. That many things that can result in chemical reactions and you can learn that the glow sticks chemical reaction, it shows the energy giving off by the glow sticks combinations of chemicals. I would like to learn more about what's in each chemical, and how each of them reacts in order to produce the light? by; sarah.+++.Well done, Sarah, and certainly science, but I am not sure how it answers the heading question! I was interested to see that the temperature seems to affect the colour as well as brightness. I have a question though: how did you keep the water liquid at -8ºC? In a formal report you would add such details so that if anyone wishes to repeat your study they can ensure they are doing so correctly..I do see that you considered if using a used or out-dated glow-stick could give errors, and error-reduction is an important part of any scientific experiment. Here is a classic example:.Have you read how the pioneering physicist, Joule (after whom the unit of energy is named) established the link between mechanical and heat energy, hence the foundation of the law that energy can only be transferred or converted? He repeated the test, using a weight-driven stirrer in a cask of water, many, many times, and tried to find and reduce the errors as much as possible, to obtain a result that was as accurate as possible. (The water is warmed slightly by being agitated, showing the mechanical energy used to rotate the paddles is converted to heat energy in the water. By very careful measurement and calculation Joule established the conversion numerically.)

What can you use the fire for in early Poptropica?

There is no fire in Early Poptropica. There is a glow stick, however, down in the well in Early poptropica village.