

What type of exercise is best for muscle toning?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Do burpees

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Q: What type of exercise is best for muscle toning?
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What type of workout should you do if your goal is muscle toning?

You have to jerk it off or use a shake weight.

What are some effective kinds of exercise equipment?

The most effective type of exercise equipment is weights. Dumbells are thought to be for building muscles usually but in reality they are used for toning and fat burning. They are the best equipment possible for exercising from home.

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What muscle is working when you exercise?

Depends what type of exercise you are doing. You could be working out your Biceps, Triceps, Abdominals etc.

Exercise for Overall Health?

Staying healthy by watching what you eat, sleeping at least seven hours a night and exercising will help you reach your goal of fitness. Make sure when you work out that you include several different ways of exercising: cardiovascular, strength training, and toning. Cardiovascular exercise would be something that got your heart rate up, toning would include yoga and Pilates and strength training incorporates lifting weights. Weight lifting workouts can be some of the most valuable type of exercise. Weights build muscle and they also build bone density. Lifting weights is an extremely beneficial exercise for people of any age.

How many calories are burned by doing 1 push-up?

Insignificant. The point of exercise isn't the number of calories burned, but about toning muscle and getting EVERYTHING to work at a higher level. If you look at the calories burned for a specific type of exercise, it's a devastatingly small number. But if you look at the number of extra calories that you'll burn by the end of the day following vigorous exercise, it's impressive.

What type of exercises are best for toning muscles?

To tone you should do less setts but more reps per set

What exercise is best for muscle 1 type fibers?

The type one muscle fibers are characterized as being the slow twitch oxidative muscle fibers. They contract slowly, they have the highest tolerance to fatigue as compared to the other types of muscle fibers, and there main fuel source tends to be triglycerides. This being said the best way to train this type of muscle fiber would be with low intensity endurance type exercises, such as jogging a long distance, or walking, or performing 50 push ups vs. 8 reps on the bench press.

What type of rhythmic exercise uses large muscle groups continuously?

Aerobic and Cardiovascular

What the type of exercise for muscle strength?

By using your muscle you are strengthening them so all you have to do is use them to increase the strength of the muscles increase the load.

Apply the FITT principle to stretching When is the best time to stretch during an exercise routine and what type of stretching is best?

Dynamic stretching prior to exercise helps prepare the body for exercise and prevent injuries. After exercise sessions static stretching should be performed, holding each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds or more to re-estabilsh the length of of the muscle

What type of strength development exercise are you performing if the length of your muscle does NOT change?

The type of exercises that does not lengthen the muscle is called isometrics. The strengthening of the muscles is from utilizing range of motion movements.