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Abdominal exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and other abdomen working routines will help you blast your belly fat. Exercise your other muscles too so that you can increase your overall metabolism to prevent fat from returning.

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Q: What type of exercise would help in reducing belly fat in women?
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Related questions

How would one go around trying to lose belly fat?

Eating a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, leading a healthy lifestyle, continuous physical activity, cardiovascular activities and exercises aimed at toning the abdominal region can help with reducing belly fat.

What women workout routines aim at flattening the stomach?

Belly tucks, crunches, jogging, stretching, aerobics in general. Inquire your trainers to find out which methods would be most beneficial for women looking to lose belly fat.

If you cannot lose belly fat should you have a tummy tuck?

You can have a tummy tuck if you are unable to lose belly fat. However most doctors would advise a healthy diet and exercise before surgery.

What would happen if a women was developing triplets in her womb?

your belly will grow as bigger than a single child

Is there a good belly fat diet?

Belly fat can be difficult to get rid of and you cannot lose weight in just one spot without the help of a plastic surgeon. However if you do want to shrink your belly the best thing to do would be to cut calories and increase the amount of cardio exercise that you do.

What are some approaches to losing belly fat weight?

To lose belly fat, you must first reducing your calorie intake. Then, you must do exercises that will work out your whole body. Then, you must take advantage of the after burn effect so that you would lose calorie even after working out!

How would pregnancy affect a tattoo near the belly button on the stomach?

its all conected, If you get stretch marks (most women do to some extent) your tattoo will stretch out and warp in those areas and it is not something that can be fixed. My tattoo artist strongly discourages belly tattoos for women who want to have children.

What is meant by lose belly fat fast?

Belly fat is exactly what it sounds like. It is just fat that has built up on the muscles in your stomach. Anything that hangs or is jiggly when you bend over is belly fat. When they say reducing belly fat they are trying to burn off all the extra fat on your stomach.

Are there any yoga exercises to lose the belly fat ?

Yoga is a good exercise program for strengthening and toning the body and as such would help to lose belly fat. Any good gym will be able to help you choose good exercises for losing belly fat. Keep in mind that you also will need to control your diet for optimum results.

What is a common form of Arabic dance?

Of all of the Arabic dances and practices the most known dance would be the belly dance. This dance the women would do to entertain the Arabian rulers.

If your fat would the exercise to lose weight change how the belly button ring sits as you lose the weight?

yes it wud look better then u can show off ur stomach

What exercises can I do at home to lose belly fat?

There are countless exercise programs that claim to get rid of baby weight. One fo the best though would be to engage in any form of yoga.