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Q: What type of food and clothing did the native Indians were at the San Rafael Archangel mission in California?
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What is the name of the Mission Indians at mission San Gabriel archangel?

The name of the mission Indians is Gabrieleno-Tongva Indians.

Who helped built the mission San Miguel Archangel?

the Indians helped built the mission San Miguel archangel

What tribes are at the mission San Rafael Archangel?

the chumash Indians lived in the mission :)

What unique features does mission San Gabriel Archangel Have?

it has a beautiful roof designed by the indians and it has wonderful desins

What are mission Indians?

"Mission Indians" describe the tribes that were heavly involved with Catholic Missions - mostly in the California area.

What kind of clothing did the Indians wear at mission san gabriel?

Anaimal skin

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what type of clothing did they use was whatever the missionarys made them where

Where was San Gabriel Mission built?

Founded on September 8th, 1771, Mission San Gabriel Archangel remains a fully functioning Roman Catholic mission in San Gabriel, California. The physical address is 428 South Mission Drive, San Gabriel, California, 91776-1299.

Why do they call California missions missions?

They are called a mission because it was the priest's mission to turn the Indians Catholic.

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how did California Indians adapt to mission san Rafael living.

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for clothing and for baskets the in Indians made shoes meat

What is the mission next to mission San Antonio?

Mission San Carlos and Mission San Gabriel Archangel