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what kind of rodents?

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Q: What type of food does the rattle snake eat?
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What is the popular food in arizona?

Alot of stuff But they also eat rattle snake

Is a rattle snake a carnivore?

rattle snakes are carnivore they eat meat

Should you get a bunny or a newt?

u should get both of them and a rattle snake and then the rattle snake can eat them both hahaha

Which snakes eat eagles?

rattle snake

What does the rattle snake eat?

Rattle snakes eat lizards and small rodents such as ground squirrels, small rabbits, rats and mice.

How often does the western diamond rattle snake has to eat?

100000 minits

How can you cook a pit vipers?

You don't.. very deadly snake..if its a must that u eat snake...try rattle snake

What kind of snake does eat fish?

Rattle Snakes do not eat fish. No kind eats fish.

Does a rattle snake drink blood?

No. Rattlesnakes eat small animals such as rodents and lizards.

Why can the California King Snake eat rattlesnakes?

because the California king snake is bigger than the rattle snake so it can just gulp it down.

What type of food does a snake and owl eat the same?

the both eat mice rats and small rodents

What are the adaptations of a CA Mountain King snake?

It cant eat rattle snakes, It is large and poisonous