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The best food for just-weaned gerbil pups is Cheerios! They are perfect for their tiny hands, soft enough for new teeth, and even healthy!

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Q: What type of food should you give baby gerbals after they are weaned?
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A baby should be fed baby food in addition to a bottle at 7 months up until a year old. The baby food should be fed after 1 year of age and introduce to adult table food when teeth have started to develop. The table food should be diced up or mixed in a blender with a small amount of water to form a paste. This will prevent a choking hazard.

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Baby guinea pigs are weaned at about 6 weeks of age. This is when they will eat food on their own.Babies grow in the uterus not the stomach.

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No, baby rabbits should not eat human baby food. Baby food is not a good food for any age of rabbit. Baby rabbits should drink their mother's milk. Once they're weaned (from 4 to 6 weeks), they should have unlimited access to three things: water, alfalfa hay, and high-quality pellets. Fresh, dark leafy greens can be introduced in tiny portions at 12 weeks. Treats (fruit and other vegetables) can be introduced in tiny portions at 6 months. Between 7 and 12 months, baby rabbits should slowly transition to an adult rabbit diet. See the related questions below for more details and helpful links.

What can gerbals eat besides gerbal food?

Well, gerbils can eat some fruits and veggies. They will also eat seeds, bird food, and other rodent food. Gerbil food is best for them.

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After it's weaned.

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Baby food... breast milk...

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They are usually weaned 21-28 days after they are born. You can put some food (pre-softened with water) to help with this after 21 days.

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A puppy should be weaned by eight weeks so they should be on a puppy mixer by 5-6 weeks.

Will puppies die if they eat a little of homemade bread?

They should be fed by their mother on her milk. That is the food they need. If you feed them other food before they are weaned, you will make them ill.