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Q: What type of gods did the Saxons believe in?
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What are all of the Anglo Saxons gods and goddesses?

there are 10 Anglo saxon gods.

When you say that the early AngloSaxons were pagan what does this mean?

When you say that the early Anglo-Saxons were pagans you mean that the people did not believe in a Supreme Being.

What The early Anglo-Saxons worshipped many gods What is the term applied to this practice?

Polytheism. Many gods.

What are the gods that the Hindu people believe in?

Some believe in certain gods, some believe in other gods, some believe in no gods, some believe in all the gods.

When we say that the early Anglo-Saxons were pagan what does this mean?

They worshipped many gods

When say that the early Anglo-Saxons were pagan what does this mean?

They worshipped many gods.

What gods do the Hindu 's people believe in?

Some believe in certain gods, some believe in other gods, some believe in all the gods, some believe in no gods.

The early Anglo-Saxons worshipped many gods What is the term applied to this practice?


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What was the language of the Anglo-Saxons?

old type of english